Cross & Crown is a new church community of people just like you.

We work jobs, have friends and families, dream about the future, and long for a better world. What makes us unique is not our creativity, education, or wealth, but Jesus Christ who is the light in our dark places.

We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am at 2850 Alemany Blvd, San Francisco.

Cross & Crown is a Christian church of and for San Francisco with our hearts and hands focused on the city’s southern neighborhoods of Outer Mission, Excelsior, Ingleside, Crocker-Amazon, and Mission Terrace

About Us

  • Our identity is shaped by biblical and historic Christianity. This means, for starters, that we believe in an infinite, glorious, creator God who is triune in nature (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and we believe that the Bible is the perfect and holy words of God.

  • We claim the ancient faith statements of the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We are also formed, as a community, by the reformed creeds of the Belgic, Belhar, and Westminster Confessions, the Heidelberg & Westminster Catechisms, and the Canons of Dort.

  • We’re sacramental. God’s grace overflows in the most ordinary liturgical practices of word, prayer, and sacrament together. That’s where God shows up for us. We’re a supernatural place.

    We’re diverse. We’re such a varied tapestry of age, culture, ethnicity, theology, education, vocation, and politics – we’re sure our unity must be a miracle. We love it!  Only unity in Jesus’ love could explain this place.

    We’re focused. We prioritize what’s important, and don’t allow minor and smaller issues any emphasis. Jesus and the cross are the main thing. Keeping that the main thing is the main thing. We’re Jesus’ place.

    We’re a home. You can expect to be warmly greeted when visiting, but that’s just the start of a “life on life” discipleship. We experience growth and transformation through spiritual intimacy. We’re a living place.

    We’re a haven. We are a community of refuge in the modern city, where you can hide from being manipulated and commodified. Metrics aren’t a part of how we measure success. We’re a safe place.

    We’re a hospital. Spiritual, emotional, and physical wholeness is the desire of our age, despite the destruction and damage all around us. We’re prepared for triage on the modern soul, seeking renewal and rebirth by the Spirit. We’re a healing place.

  • Chris Robins - Lead Pastor

    Joyce Tihon - Worship Leader

    Jon Brackett - Pastoral Admin

    Don Agustin - Volunteer Coordinator


  • We meet Sunday Mornings at 10:30 at 2850 Alemany Blvd, San Francisco, CA.

    There is always plenty of parking.

  • Nope. We’re just a bunch of regular folks. Feel free to wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

  • Our Sunday gatherings are best described as a little traditional meets decidedly relaxed. We have a time of singing, prayer, personal reflection, and teaching from the Bible. Everyone is welcome! Come as you are, we’re a casual bunch.

  • Our children’s ministry serves kids aged 10 years and younger (including nursery care). We work hard to keep them engaged and excited, with each lesson taught in an age-appropriate manner through singing, games, and Bible stories.

  • Here is an excerpt from an email Chris sent out explaining the new name:

    “It's often a Lutheran church name - there's one up near Santa Rosa — but it transcends that. Luther's theology has deeply shaped my heart, so perhaps that's a part of it. It represents certain values about suffering and triumph and how they're linked together in Jesus. I think this describes our experiences, but it also expresses ideas in tension and balance. The cross reveals God's love, the ugliness of suffering, and my desperate need; the Crown represents Christ as victorious, Christ as beautiful, and Christ as reigning now.”

  • Feel free to send any questions to

    Or reach out to our Chris, our pastor, who would be happy to hear from you. He’d love to meet you for coffee to hear your story and answer any questions that you may have.

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We don’t believe in pressuring anyone to help pay the bills. It is God who calls us to be a generous community. Instead, we hope for people to give in a way that is regular, settled in the heart as generous, and given for the sake of the greater church and her ministries. Our prayer is that our church will be filled with generous people who are able to make a difference in our neighborhood and city.

In order to give online, you’ll need to sign on as a “giver” through our online account. Click the link and follow the directions to sign in. You can give a one-time gift or set a giving schedule.

Looking for your older First Pres SF giving account?


Catch up on recent sermons.

2025: A Year with the bible

Along with our friends at Porch SF, we are reading the Bible this year from cover to cover. For all the details, click here.